What are the Best Questions to Ask Elderly Grandparents?

You might think you know them but how much do you really know about your grandparents? Here are 48 questions to ask grandparents. Ask these questions in any order you like. You’ll feel a lot closer once you’re done.

  1. Could you show me where you born on a map?
  2. When were you born?
  3. How many brothers and/or sisters were in your family?
  4. What are your brother’s or sister’s full names?
  5. What are your parents’ full names?
  6. What were your parents’ careers?
  7. Did you have a nickname when you were young?
  8. Which do you like better – fruits or vegetables?
  9. What was your favorite gift you’ve ever received?
  10. What is your favorite color?
  11. What was your favorite school subject and why?
  12. What were you good at in school?
  13. Did you study for exams long before they happened? Or cram the night before?
  14. What were the most popular clothes in school?
  15. What were the most popular toys or gadgets?
  16. How did you meet your spouse?
  17. What did you do on your first date?
  18. How did you meet your best friend?
  19. What did you and your best friend love to do together?
  20. What is your favorite meal?
  21. What is your favorite dessert?
  22. Have you ever eaten your dessert before your meal?
  23. What type of music do you like the best?
  24. Did you play – or want to play – any specific musical instrument?
  25. What was the make, model, and color of the family car?
  26. Did your family go on many vacations together?
  27. Where did you spend your summers when you were a child?
  28. What was your best family vacation?
  29. Were you an obedient or misbehaving child?
  30. What kind of pet did you have and what was its name?
  31. What was your bedtime as a child?
  32. Did you ever break curfew or sneak out of the house?
  33. Did you receive an allowance?
  34. How much was your allowance?
  35. Did you save your allowance or spend it right away?
  36. When did you open your first bank account?
  37. What was your first job?
  38. What was your favorite Halloween costume?
  39. What sports did you like to play?
  40. What games did you like to play?
  41. Have you ever met someone famous? A celebrity?
  42. Who has made the most impact on your life and why?
  43. What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
  44. Where is the most interesting place you have been to?
  45. What is your biggest accomplishment in your life?
  46. What was your favorite television show as a child?
  47. Who is your favorite actor and actress?
  48. What was the first movie you saw in a theater?

What else do you want to know? Please add to this list, as you wish. And, most of all, have fun!